Saturday, May 19, 2007


Pastor Ruben Ichias

We recently made contact with Brother Isaiah (top), an Agua Runa, who helped Wycliffe Bible Translators with the translation of the New Testament in that language. We met him on May 19, and he is willing to work with us. We hope that with his help the Lord will help us to produce a good-quality primer in Agua Runa and a literacy program among the Agua Runas, so that the believers will be able to READ the Agua Runa New Testament, to cling to sound doctrine, and not to be led astray. When the church is weak, the people believe almost anything.
Having grown up in an extremely home in an extremely poor region, he sees the need for projects which will give believers an opportunity to raise fish and other animals for food and also to sell. He asked Augusto to be an advisor to this project and Augusto agreed.

The Agua Runas also need health posts, hospitals, and trained personnel. They need to cultivate other crops besides yucca. The children eat very little fruit, while banana and papaya grow abundantly in the region, as the people rent out their land to mestizo farmers, who ship the fruit to Lima. Meanwhile Agua Runa children are undernourished. The stores did not even sell milk.
Pastor Ruben Ichias (bottom foto) lives deep in the jungle. He would like to take clothing for the people in a village two days deeper into the jungle and to evangelize them. Augusto would like to accompany him and to show the Jesus Film there. We are praying for the Lord’s perfect timing for this trip.

Ruth had her foot broken on Thursday, April 26 and put in the correct position. It will be in a cast for 2-3 months. Please pray with us for perfect healing, so that she can go to Ilo in the South to help a pastoral family with their children and to study as well, beginning in August, when we leave for Dallas.